About the name...

About the name...
Our friend Clifford suggested "Crested Oak" when we asked him what we might name the cabin. It has to do with some oak trees grouped together on the property.
If it weren't for Clifford locating our well we may not have built at all. We thought it was fitting to use the name he recommended.

Monday, August 29, 2011

August 28, 2011. Start rafters.

Taken from a few miles away through binoculars.

same picture without magnification

Friday, August 26, 2011

Judi warming her feet at The Bunker.
Having a look at the plans.

Building dormer for upstairs bedroom.

Looking down into living room.

Future view from the upstairs master bedroom.

Filling up with new well water.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

August 23, 2011. Loft wall goes up.

If you stop by to see what's going on, they might put you to work....Heave Ho!

Is it time for a beer break yet?!

Looking into Master BR.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

August 21, 2011. Start of second floor and electrical.

Finding a shady spot on the deck.

Loft area opens to living room below.

Running electrical

With Mom at the Murphy's 

Mom and Judi at The Bunker

Who needs Smores when you can have a hot pretzel instead! 

Looking out Master Bedroom slider

Saturday, August 13, 2011

August 12, 2011. Walls going up.

Front of cabin.

Left side, front corner of house.

The deck looking North East.

Master bedroom sliding glass door entry to screened porch.  Looking North.

Our vision.

Sketch to capture final landscaping.
Initial concept of cabin placement.  Yes, I felt it was necessary to include a hawk in the tree.
Using one of Randy's overhead shots was helpful to visualize cabin placement to scale.