About the name...

About the name...
Our friend Clifford suggested "Crested Oak" when we asked him what we might name the cabin. It has to do with some oak trees grouped together on the property.
If it weren't for Clifford locating our well we may not have built at all. We thought it was fitting to use the name he recommended.

Friday, January 27, 2012

23-24 January 2012 Fog and finishes

My arrival Monday morning was very foggy.

No view, but still and beautiful.

Better Tuesday morning.

Fans and many lights are in place.

Post for staircase and loft railing.

Baulusters are half correct...

34 new black hangers adorn the beams...

They really beef up the look.

The doors have the new, darker stain and look great.


The top molding is on the cabinets.

Our beautiful slab of granite!

Rear stairs to back yard.

Improved pictures to follow and floors are next...

Friday, January 13, 2012

13 January 2012. Lots going on inside

the bath vanities have arrived

                                                      our kitchen cabinets are in place,

and we love the style and stain color

we picked some colors...

and changed our minds.

the heat pumps arrived

the fireplace gets its own niche

looks great from outside, too

                                                   footer holes dug for the steps out back

the cable rail in place

won't hide the view

tiles choices

no decision yet on the kitchen granite

the end is in sight!!!!