About the name...

About the name...
Our friend Clifford suggested "Crested Oak" when we asked him what we might name the cabin. It has to do with some oak trees grouped together on the property.
If it weren't for Clifford locating our well we may not have built at all. We thought it was fitting to use the name he recommended.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

October 2009. Where to drill the well?

Initial excavation to help us visualize cabin placement.

But where should we drill for water!?

 This is Clifford.  He is a renowned "Dowser" in the community.  We heard about him through the local grapevine and were lucky enough to track him down and meet him.  At 83 he is as interesting and spirited as they come!  He has located water for hundreds of people over the years and did the same for us.  We are fortunate to have he and his wife Juanita as our friends.

 Clifford getting down to business.  After just 5 minutes, Clifford told me to get a stick
to mark the spot that he had found.  He said, "I believe I'd put your well right here!"

Clifford's hat says it all!

Clifford and Juanita's property.  There's a swimmin' hole, just above the falls.

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